I am a day behind in my blogging! It is now 8:00 a.m. on Monday here in Galilee. Today we checked out of our wonderful hotel and are heading to Mount Tabor (site of the Transfiguration) and then on to Nazareth and Cana, and ending the day by heading south to Jerusalem where we will be staying for the rest of the trip. We will see whether all our plans on this beautiful morning come to fruition. But now about what we actually did on Sunday.
Meri Ault and I took an early morning walk around Tiberius. We were scouting out where to find a grocery store and other places where we could later purchase provisions for the party we would have in the incredible suite I had been given to stay in. We eventually discovered one, but actually there were plenty of small shops that sold snacks, beer and wine much closer. However we were curious about one building, and discovered it was the burial site of the most important rabbis that had made Tiberius a significant spiritual site for the Jewish religion. Some of these rabbis were from the first four centuries of the "common era" (or roughly 3700-4100 in the Jewish counting of years). Miamodes (aka Rambam) was also buried there. He was a 12th century physician and scholar who was perhaps the most influential non-biblical figure in the Jewish religion.
After breakfast we all boarded the bus for the day around the Sea of Galilee. It would be a day with many stops and very little mileage as everything we will see will be in a small area. The sites were The Primacy of Peter, Capernahum, Tagbahg, lunch, a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee, and Magdala, the town of Mary Magdalene.
<arrivd at Tabor>
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